Cummins HSK78 C2000N5CD 2MWe Gas Generator Case Study, Zephyr Textile Pakistan

Zephyr Textile, Phool Nagar, Punjab, Pakistan.

Installation/ commissioning of Cummins HSK78 C2000N5CD 2MWe Lean Burn Gas Fueled Generator set

This is a combined Heat and Power Plant (CHP) site producing 3 tons/hour steam through engine exhaust for their process in factory.

The customer had been operating a 5 MW powerhouse with 3x gas generator sets of another brand for the last few years until 2020 when one of the sets completed its useful life.

Energy Solutions Private Limited- Cummins’ local partner in Pakistan supplied Cummins C1160N5C gas generator to Zephyr Textile on easy payment terms including O&M contract.

Pleased with the performance of Cummins gas generator and the services of ESL, the customer decided to replace their second old gas generator too with Cummins.
ESL offered them the new HSK78 C2000N5CD 2MWe gas generator known for its 44.2% Electrical Efficiency, High Torque Bearing Capability and Zero Deration up to 55 °C.

The power house delivers electricity and heat to the textile plant which is a weaving unit having 244 looms with auxiliaries. The total production is Fabric: 2154642 L/Mtr/Month and Towel: 321500 Kg/Month. Site maximum load in summer is 4300 KW and 3800 KW in winter. The power house has waste heat recovery boilers producing 3 tons /h steam from engine exhaust for their process in factory.

Energy Solutions Private Limited completed commissioning activity only in three working days and tested genset at load in load share/ load govern mode.

Customer is highly pleased with the performance of Cummins HSK78 generator.

The generator has so far clocked 5000Hrs approximately. The generator has been successfully handling high torque loads including those of 2 x 560 KW air compressors, high power house temperatures (recorded as high as 48 °C on site) with a remarkable fuel consumption of 0.236 Nm3/KWHe.

Since the customer was facing challenges of high gas prices, low gas pressure and high gas consumption, they have altogether stopped usage of their third old (non-Cummins) generator. They are now operating the plant only with 2 x Cummins gas generators, 1xC2000N5C & 1xC1160N5C which are successfully fulfilling their power requirement.

Cummins lived up to its reputation as a front runner in gas fueled power generation and proved its capability in the field.

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