SEIRI (Sort)

  • A clean place is a safe place.
  • Cleaning starts with sorting.
  • Sort any given population of items, activities, behaviors, attitudes and even entities, etc.
  • Separate important from non-important; useful from wasteful; critical from non-critical.
  • Classify into “Dos and Don’ts”.
  • Dispose of and discard the wasteful, unwanted items / activities / attitudes / behaviors.
  • Retain the important, useful and critical items / activities / entities / behaviors / attitudes.

First Step: Safety starts from cleaning

Cleaning starts from sorting

Sorting separates crucial from the clutter

SEITON (Set in Order)

  • Assign priorities to the chosen items.
  • Do a 80 / 20.
  • Do a Pareto analysis.
  • Rank critical items in accordance of their relative importance.
  • Separate few “vitals” from many “trivial”.
  • Assign a place to everything and assign everything to its designated place.

Second Step: Assign a place for everything – and put everything in its place.

Put the action where the money is.

SEISO (Shine)

  • Make “Continuous Improvement” in HSSE a way of life.
  • Make it a 24 x 7 affair, round the year, every year, year after year.
  • Don’t allow switch “off” and “on” and “fits and start” mentality.
  • Put it under your skins, in your blood, in your DNA
  • Check out before you step out
  • Consider HSSE an unending journey instead of a race, which has an end-point.
  • In a race there is a last lap which takes you to the victory, in HSSE every lap is a lap to victory
    Gradually raise the bar / Take small incremental steps.
  • Even a small step is a big step.
  • Build a hierarchy of personal commitments, top down and share / review.
  • Learn from the achievers, support underperformers.
  • Bring change by Involving technology, creating HSSE systems, improving mindsets / behavior patterns

Third Step: Shine to surpass previous best

SEIKETSU (Standardize)

  • Ensure steps / actions to keep the shine.
  • Establish standards.
  • Develop checklists.
  • Talk not, Tick.
  • Use control charts, Poka Yoke
  • Develop jigs and fixtures or their equivalent(s).
  • Integrate with daily work management.

Fourth Step: Standardize to maintain consistency

and hold the gains.

SHITSUKE (Self Discipline)

  • Create an environment through slogans, posters and other visuals
  • Identify BIC performance and use benchmarking vis a vis BIC.
  • Lead by example (Be a Mr. Marriott).
  • Conduct audits to evaluate approach and results.
  • Recognize and reward.

Fifth Step: Walk the talk: Do what you say

Action speaks louder than the words