ESL conducted an in-house seminar on Sales and Application Engineering for Cummins Gas Generators. The two day (10 hours) online training was conducted by the CEO along with other senior members on June 4 & 5, 2021.
The training named “Sales and Application Training for Gas Engines” was attended by engineers and sales teams from Karachi and Lahore. It covered a wide variety of subjects including technological breakthroughs recently introduced by Cummins in terms of efficiency and performance. Comparisons between various brands, life cycle costing based on electrical efficiency; cogeneration and trigeneration, etc.
Phenomena like island vs grid mode; single turbo vs multiple turbo configurations; transient behavior vis a vis performance class considerations; stoichiometric vs. advanced lean burn engines; installation and commissioning basics for various engine systems; emissions and their after treatment; cogeneration, tri generation and quad generation, and far many others were discussed at length and active participation was witnessed.
Participants were also required to prepare for an hour-long quiz to be held the following week for grading and award of certificate of completion.