ESL Conducted Meet And Treat Session For Banking Sector
ESL regularly conducts Meet And Treat continuous improvement training programs for its own employees as well as customers. These training programs are organized under the name and style of “ESL Meet & Treat Continuous Improvement Programs”.
The purpose of these sessions is to adequately train people to handle the challenges of not only professional but their personal lives also. These training programs are absolutely free of cost and are organized as our contribution and commitment towards “community service”. Customized training sessions are also conducted at customers’ doorsteps as per the customers’ requirement.
Recently ESL conducted MEET AND TREAT SESSION for a number of participants from the banking sector.
The day long (9 am to 5 pm) seminar titled SIZING & SELECTION; OPERATION & MAINTENANCE OF DIESEL GENERATORS was held on May 10, 2017 at Hotel Marriott, Karachi. The session was conducted by our GM Sales, Mr. Adnan Maqbool (Late), our Director Mr. Sajid Khan and CEO Mr. Tariq Haq. Mr. Nadeem Sadiq, our COO was especially invited from Lahore office to provide practical insight to the audience on operations and maintenance of diesel power plants. His discourse on “Engine – Overhaul – the Curtain rises” was particularly appreciated by the audience. It featured case study of two power plants owned by a large textile group and described how and why difference in installation & commissioning and operation & maintenance led to premature failure and consequently overhaul of one plant in relation to the other.
M/ S. Ashraf Kareem, Khalid Pervaiz, Khalid Saeed also chipped in with very useful contributions and shared with the participants their enormous knowledge about earthing considerations, generator sizing, etc.
The course material included day to day maintenance guide for generators and safety handbook in addition to attractive giveaways. The participants were evaluated and certificates of participation were also distributed amongst them.