House Building

ESL participated in the IEEEP Symposium 2018

By |2024-09-07T13:34:25+05:00December 7th, 2015|Engineering, Marketing, News|

ESL PARTICIPATED IN THE IEEEP SYMPOSIUM, 2018 REPRESENTING AKSA POWER GENERATION ESL participated in the IEEEP Symposium, 2018 representing Aksa Power Generation. Similarly, hosted the Networking Tea at the event. Most importantly, two-day event (15-16th March) was an excellent opportunity of networking with key consultants and potential customers as well. IEEEP Symposium is the largest

The Real Estate Giant Bahria Town Lahore and Karachi

By |2024-09-07T13:34:27+05:00December 7th, 2015|Architecture, Buildings, Construction, Engineering|

The Real Estate Giant Bahria Town Lahore and Karachi - yet another feather in our cap Another feather in the cap of ESL. The addition of Bahria Town Lahore and Karachi the largest Real Estate company in Asia. The company has placed orders for some 8 ~ 9 one Megawatts sets for its projects.


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